Saturday 30 July 2011

life in words

As I sit here I am at a loss for inspiration to write anything overly creative; I have had a long week, and cannot wait for the family adventure that lies ahead in the next two days.  I know that I do have lot's of "life" stories and such that I could type out; however, I just think that the energy has just been spent on playing tea party and dancing "winga-way" with my more than inspirational toddler.

I will get into more of a groove with this whole "blogging" thing once I am in the fall routine I think.  There are just so many things going on and so much to do before I can sit down and let the creative juices flow.  I have several started both in electronic copy and in my head -- I think I just lack the dicipline to sit down on my free time to get things done.  Once my daughter gets into a more regular bedtime and the two-year-old molars are finally through, I should have a bit more free time as well.

I welcome tomorrow by closing my eyes and listening to my audiobook --- sets me off into my dreamy state that gives me inspiration for more of my fantasy stories.  And with this I will depart the blog, as I had to retype "fantasy" about four times before I got the word correct.  My brain has said good night and beckonning me to join it.

~jj brinkman

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