Friday 26 August 2011

Good Bye Dad

My father passed away on Wednesday morning of a heart attack.  He had been undergoing radiation treatment for throat cancer and in an extreme amount of pain; God decided he did not want him to suffer and brought him home.

I wrote this poem for him, and I know he knows -- somehow and will be reading it over someone's shoulder somewhere.  I am not a poet in the least; however the words just flowed like my tears down my cheeks as I typed.

RIP Gordon Edward Harlod Brinkman
May 17, 1944 - August 24, 2011

I love you Dad!

My Dad really was Santa, and I will miss him always.
Good Bye Dad

I sit and stare at your picture and say good bye,
I really can’t seem to not cry.
I love you so much Dad,
And you are no longer in pain, that does make me glad.
I see that sparkle in your eye,
This hurts too much to say good bye.
I know that you are in my heart,
And we will never really be apart;
But it hurts so much right now inside,
It started August 24, the day you died.
I know it will get better and hurt much less,
Is getting through all this pain some kind of test?
You always taught me to be strong,
And made sure I knew that “life will go on”.
I’m glad I talked to you the night before,
And got to hear Hailey say “I love you Grandpa Gord”.
I love you Dad, and will miss you forever;
One day far away, again we’ll be together.
Until that day comes for us,
I will go on and not make too much fuss;
‘Cause I know you would rather I not cry,
It’s just so hard to say this good bye.

jjbrinkman © 2011

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