Tuesday 16 August 2011

life in words

Life can throw curves, and life can be overwhelming; but, there is always something, a project, someone to help, some small task that gives us a gratification to keep us going.

My daughter is my life, and although raising her can sometimes feel overwhelming (we have reached the terrible twos with a vengence), her hugs and "I love you Mom"'s make me know I have the best job in life -- being her mom.

For two years old she has the vocabulary of an adult, the sense of humour equivilant to a pre-teen and the shining personality of a star.  Despite the Houdini escapes from her carseat whilst driving home, and the ear piercing "Leave me alone" screams; Hailey Regan Lynn sure is the best thing that ever happened to me.

As we got ready for bed tonight, she looked at me and said "I am Mommy Juwia", and then gave me a hug.  She then pulled back from the hug, looked me in the eye and finished telling me about what being "Mommy Juwia" means:  "I'm the boss, what I say goes, cause I'm the mom!"

Oh how I love my daughter!!

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